

I’d like to introduce you to something I have been keeping a secret for a while now. I could go into the back story, but I will just say that I am happy you get to finally meet. 

My name is Scott Perez, a Houston-based dreamer, adventurer, photographer, and now officially a blogger. I have desired to create this blog for a while now, but there were & still are these little things called fear & comparison that kept me from diving in. That story is for another day and another blog post. 


This platform has been created multiple times, deleted frequently, and stared at for hours anticipating if I will ever press share. Well folks, here I am. I continually find myself having to consciously choose bravery over fear daily and to step into my challenges with hope for amazing outcomes. The purpose of this is to be used as a tool to showcase who I am and what I enjoy. The title "The Scott Perez" was created because I want to purely be myself with this blog. I plan to be straight forward, honest, open, and sincere with the things I post. I want it to be a place to showcase my interest in photography, travel, men style, new coffee shops, restaurants, my daily thoughts, my struggles, my victories and my desire to help the world.  

My hope is that this will be a tool to generate quality content, to foster creativity + conversations, and to spark in others the joy of being and choosing you! This will be a roller coaster ride of emotions, but like Incubus said, “The world's a roller coaster and I am not strapped in. Maybe I should hold with care, but my hands are busy in the air.”

Let’s have fun with this and let’s laugh along the way! Thanks for being here!

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Crippled By Fear